Bawk Palace Hobby Farm
Owner: Brittany Dunlap
This agreement is made between Brittany Dunlap of Bawk Palace Hobby Farm ("Brittany Dunlap" or "Incubator") and the undersigned customer ("Customer") regarding the incubation and hatching of eggs provided by the Customer.
Brittany Dunlap agrees to incubate and attempt to hatch the eggs provided by the Customer to the best of her ability. However, she makes no guarantees regarding fertilization, hatch rates, or the viability of the eggs. The incubation process will be conducted as if the eggs were her own, but factors such as fertility, egg quality, and incubation conditions may affect the outcome.
•The Customer agrees to pay a non-refundable fee of $5 per egg upon delivery of the eggs for incubation.
•This fee applies regardless of hatch success and covers the cost of incubation, electricity, and monitoring.
•No refunds or partial refunds will be issued if some or all of the eggs fail to hatch.
•Day 1 of incubation begins the day after the eggs are placed into the incubator.
•Chicken eggs typically hatch on day 21, with a reasonable extension to day 22 for healthy, viable embryos.
•Any eggs that fail to hatch by day 22 will be considered non-viable.
•The Customer must pick up the chicks within 24 hours of receiving the ready-for-pickup notification (via phone call and/or text message).
•A brooding fee will be charged starting on day 23 if chicks are not picked up within 24 hours of the ready-for-pickup notification. The fee schedule is as follows:
•$30 per day for up to 25 chicks
•$40 per day for more than 25 chicks
•The Customer is responsible for picking up their chicks within three (3) days of the start of brooding (day 23) to avoid forfeiture.
•If the Customer requests delivery of the chicks, a delivery fee of $10 will apply.
•If the chicks are not picked up by the third day of brooding (day 26), the Customer automatically forfeits ownership of the chicks.
•Ownership of the chicks will be transferred to Brittany Dunlap of Bawk Palace Hobby Farm, and she will have sole discretion regarding their care, sale, or placement.
•No refunds or compensation will be provided for forfeited chicks, brooding fees, or delivery fees, regardless of technical or logistical difficulties, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.
By signing this agreement, the Customer acknowledges that Brittany Dunlap is not responsible for any loss, damages, or complications arising from the incubation and hatching process. The Customer accepts all risks associated with the incubation of the eggs, hatching, and brooding of the resulting chicks.
By signing below, the Customer agrees to all terms outlined in this contract.
Customer Name (Printed): ___________________________
Customer Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Brittany Dunlap (Bawk Palace Hobby Farm)
Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________