Incubation & Hatching Agreement

Bawk Palace Hobby Farm
Owner: Brittany Dunlap

This agreement is made between Brittany Dunlap of Bawk Palace Hobby Farm ("Brittany Dunlap" or "Incubator") and the undersigned customer ("Customer") regarding the incubation and hatching of eggs provided by the Customer.

1. No Guarantee of Fertilization or Hatch Rate

Brittany Dunlap agrees to incubate and attempt to hatch the eggs provided by the Customer to the best of her ability. However, she makes no guarantees regarding fertilization, hatch rates, or the viability of the eggs. The incubation process will be conducted as if the eggs were her own, but factors such as fertility, egg quality, and incubation conditions may affect the outcome.

2. Incubation Fee

3. Incubation and Hatch Timeline

4. Brooding Fees & Pickup Policy

5. Delivery Fee

6. Forfeiture of Chicks

7. Liability Waiver

By signing this agreement, the Customer acknowledges that Brittany Dunlap is not responsible for any loss, damages, or complications arising from the incubation and hatching process. The Customer accepts all risks associated with the incubation of the eggs, hatching, and brooding of the resulting chicks.

8. Agreement & Signature

By signing below, the Customer agrees to all terms outlined in this contract.

Customer Name (Printed): ___________________________
Customer Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________

Brittany Dunlap (Bawk Palace Hobby Farm)
Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________