🐔 Bawk Palace Hobby Farm 🦆

81 Sunrise View St, Pahrump, NV 89060
By appointment only.

🕼 +1-775-410-0725

📨 peeps _at_ bawkpalace.com

I get a lot of spam, so I have removed the hyperlink.

About Us

This flock of chickens and ducks are my mom's and she allows me to manage their offspring for improving egg production, temperment, and body size and proportion for when we process older hens (and extra roosters) for meat. We try not to waste resources. Our flock members are pets first and foremost, but we acknowledge that God gave us these birds and we will use them as God intended when they are retired from service. We do not push our beliefs on customers. If you do not believe in God we accept and acknowledge your choice, we ask that you respect our right to believe otherwise.

Due to my diabilities and no appreciable income I must use low cost web hosting. Donations always accepted. Thank you.

Electronic Payment Methods

CashApp: $sunnyinnv
Apple Cash: 775-513-3472
Venmo: @Brittany-Dunlap-NV
Zelle: peeps _at_ bawkpalace.com

Products for Sale:


Product Cost Description
Chicken Eggs - Online Payment $6 per dozen
Duck Eggs - Online Payment $9 per dozen
Incubation & Hatching - Online Payment $5* per egg
Young Chicks (unsexed) $10 per bird
Pullets < 6 mos $20 per bird, not yet laying
Pullets or Hen ≥ 6 mos $30 per bird, laying
Young Mature Cockerel/Rooster $10 per bird
Young Ducklings (unsexed) $8 per bird
Young Ducks (females) $12 per bird, not yet laying
Young Ducks - Laying $18 per bird
Young Drakes (males) $5 per bird

Legal notice: eggs should be kept refrigerated after purchase. Refunds or replacements are offered on a case-by-case basis.

*See Incubation & Hatching Contract.

By using the Online Payment option the quantity of eggs purchased (or incubator space) is reserved for you. You may call +1-775-410-0725 to schedule your order pickup for eggs, or to speak to me regarding incubating your chicken or duck eggs.

Our eggs are ungraded and not sorted by official size classifications. Generally, they are Large and Extra Large. They are from pasture-raised hens that free-range our entire back yard. Eggs are collected daily. We mark eggs that a broody hen is setting on to ensure they are not the ones collected and sold.

Flock not fed any wheat, gluten, or dairy due to my severe food allergies. Gluten will transfer into the eggs and can cause allergic reactions in SOME highly-sensitized people.

March 17, 2025: we have 7 chicks available to go home with you. All but one are mixed-breed. The purebred chick is the White American Bresse. Approximately 3 weeks old. The hens that laid the eggs are purebreed or specialty mixes: Silver Laced Polish, Buff Orpington, White American Bresse, Starlight Green Egger, Prairie Bluebell Egger. The rooster that fertilized mose of the eggs is a mixed breed (likely a) Black Copper Marans crossed with gold Deathlayer. Our other rooster is a White American Bresse.

All chicks sold are unsexed, also known as "straight-run".

Photo Gallery

© 2025 bawkpalace.com

Keywords: Pahrump chickens, local eggs, farm-fresh eggs, hatching eggs, backyard chickens, hobby farm